(973) 224-0971
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TeletherapyDuring these uncertain times we want to provide options for you to receive the support you need. One way of doing this though Teletherapy.

What is Teletherapy you may ask:

  • Face to Face contact though use of online video conferencing
  • VIA Secure HIPAA compliant platform

Who is right for Teletherapy?

  • Most individuals will find this form of therapy just as helpful or if not more then in the office sessions

How does Telethrapy work?

  • After filling out your pre registration form you will receive an email 5 to 10 minutes before your session with a secure link to your session.
  • If you have any trouble accessing the link, I am here to walk you though by phone

Want to learn more? Email me today to find out how we can work together!